
Nick | 07/23/2014 | 4


Today, rather than giving you one of my normal “lectures” on the workout, good form or movement in general I’m going to leave you with some interesting viewing/listening material from someone who inspires me greatly – Ido Portal.  Ido is a student of movement who has engaged in many different disciplines and has (what I find to be) greatly inspiring things to say about it.  He recently was on The London Real Podcast.

Here is a short clip from it that should hopefully get you hooked.  If you’d like to listen to the whole two hours, you can find that here.

If you’ve never seen Ido move, here are some clips of that.  Start here if you haven’t seen him before…

clip 1

clip 2

clip 3

And that’s just scratching the surface.  If you continue down the youtube rabbit hole, you’ll probably start to see him doing things that inspired things I’ve brought to class…


Pull volume training (chest to bar)
Superset with :10 arch body hold

WOD: (see 1/11/12)

4 rounds
8 power cleans (115/75)
8 front squats
8 burpees

4 comments for “Movement

  1. Ben PC says:

    Volume: 3 for 10min, 2 for 10min (blue band) — same reps as last time I did this but now with bonus superman superset

    WOD: 8:34 @ 95#

  2. Olivia says:

    VT: 2 CTB pull ups OTM. Easier than I thought it’d be, even when trying to keep my toes in front of the plane.

    wod: 4:49rx. Despite the squats and burpees, this one was fun. Took a short break at rep 7 of cleans during rounds 2&3, otherwise unbroken.

  3. Lydia says:

    VT: 2-3 with a green and blue band, paying more attention to form than last time’s 3 per minute that broke down.

    WOD: 8:49? Modified – 8 pc @ 55# and 12 burpees per round

    Despite the break of “easy”, there was some hard work in our little 7:30am class!

  4. Renee says:

    2 chest to bar for first 10 1 for the last ten. This was further than I got with 2 a couple weeks ago. I kept overhand grip this time as well.

    WOD 6:32 Rx

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