Form and function

Nick | 09/29/2014 |


Barbells are nice.  They are convenient in many ways – relatively easy to hang on to, very modular in load, balanced with the ability to spin freely.  This makes them great training tools for putting heavy loads through our system in a controlled manner.  Sandbags are quite the opposite – awkward, floppy, unbalanced and hard to hang on to.  This makes them useful for “real world” training.  As great as barbells are, they are not analogous to many objects we encounter in life.

Today, we get to play with both to hit both ends of the spectrum – the barbell to get heavy and crisp with our movement patterns in the hang power clean followed by the sandbag to give added coordination and adaptability challenge to running and crawling.


3 hang power cleans (as heavy as possible)


6 rounds

200m sandbag run (make it heavy)
50′ bear crawl sandbag drag