stabilizing first

Nick | 06/29/2015 | 2


Our shoulders are works of art – they give us a myriad of movement options, especially when they’re working as well as they can.  One of the most mysifying (to me anyway) thing they are able to do is provide a stable connection between our torso and our arms when our arms are pointed in almost any direction.  Think about this for a second, and then try to think of a machine trying to do the same thing.

Training this stability deliberately opens up doors to new movements and clears paths of old movements that don’t flow as smoothly as they can.


overhead/handstand stability


6 Rounds
10 Wallball (20/14)
100′ Waiter carry (50′ side)
10 Ball slams
10 Pull ups

2 comments for “stabilizing first

  1. Roger says:

    WOD: 16:30. I lost count at some point so I ended up doing 7 rounds.
    Wallball – 14#
    Pull ups – Ring Rows

  2. Ben PC says:

    WOD: 16:53 Rx

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