Perpetual motion

Nick | 07/22/2015 | 1

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Sure you can move fast.  And I’ve seen you lift some heavy weight.  But can you keep going?

I don’t mean can you keep getting work done right up until the end of the workout.  I mean can you do it without any breaks – no stopping for water, no tying your shoe, no standing for a couple breaths before moving on to the next movement.

For 20 minutes today, let see if we can be in constant motion.  Proper scaling will make this feasible, but your will and focus will be what gets it done.





75 foot (3 traverses) Medball Waiter’s Walk Lunges (one hand, overhead)
10 Kips
75 foot Crawling (choose with athletes: bear, straight-legged, panther, forearm/commando, etc…)
6 Deck Squats

1 comment for “Perpetual motion

  1. Callie says:

    Strength: 90#

    WOD: 7 + 12 w/ 10# MB

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