load and lift

Nick | 07/30/2015 | 3


We’ve been running a lot recently, and while it is quite hot out, it’s good to get it in while we can… And there are so many different experiences we can have with this fundamental movement.  Today will probably feel different in that our legs will be in a different state after the backsquats.  They are light, but if you transition quickly (which is definitely a thing to shoot for) the run will take a bit of extra focus.  Embrace this and shoot for a smooth flow through the 12 minutes.  Work hard, but make it look easy.


Push press




12 back squats (95/65)  – from the floor

200m run

8 toes to bar

3 comments for “load and lift

  1. Ben PC says:

    PP: 140# pr (would have been 135# except there was a 5# plate hiding between two of the tens on one side!)
    WOD: 4+12 w/ 200m row

  2. JT says:

    Nice work, 5 and 6pm classes! I got after this at 7pm because the class was empty…
    WOD: 6 RX

    Many thanks to Ben and Brian for sticking around to witness it, give me shit, and shout at me during the last round. 🙂

    I hope some of you are over at the Calderwood Pavilion cheering for Nick’s performance tonight and tomorrow night!

  3. Roger says:

    STR: 95#. Thanks JT for showing me how to do the push press properly. It made a world of difference!

    WOD: 5 + 9
    Back squat @ 75#
    Happy that I was able to string the toes to bar.

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