A familiar feeling

Nick | 09/30/2015 | 4


Our work today will look a bit like what we did yesterday, but will have a very different feel. Β We’ll have lots of time to practice dropping fast under our snatch without a full recovery (which will be the focus of our strength work, as opposed to the load based work we did yesterday). Β And while the format of the WOD is almost exactly the same as yesterday, the nature of moving external weight instead of our bodies will make it a very different workout.



2 high hang squat snatch


9 Hang Pwr Snatch (75/55)
6 Burpees Over Bar

4 comments for “A familiar feeling

  1. Abigail R says:

    STR: 50#
    WOD: 5+7 w/ 35#

    Jenna was seriously flying through that WOD.

  2. Jenna says:

    STR: 70#
    WOD: 8+8 Rx

  3. Roger says:

    STR: 55#

    WOD: 5+1 @ 55#

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