Brace up

Nick | 10/07/2015 | 5


If you’ve been here for any decent length of time you’ve probably had your “hollow body” adjusted in a plank or other movement that requires a rigid, slightly flexed spine.  The hollow shape shows up many places, from deck squats to kipping to burpees and so many more.  Today, we’ll get to practice the position and then apply it to our press work.  For many of us, when we go overhead our shoulder mobility (or lack thereof) forces us to extend out spine (particularly our low back) to find a balanced position.  Working on our mobility is important, but if we never actively change the patterns that our lack of mobility developed, we’ll be stuck with them even if we drastically increase our range of motion.

Use the hollow work we do to remind yourself and your body what it feels like to not arch the low back and then replicate it while you press.  It might be hard, but keep it your focus so that as your shoulders open more you get used to using them instead of defaulting to sub-optimal habits.




*superset with hollow body work


3 rounds
20 hang squat clean (75/55)
20 burpee deck squats
20 s2oh
200m run


Schedule Update:

We will be not be running classes on Monday, October 12th in observance of Indigenous People’s Day.  We will be holding open gym from (stay tuned!) and have a workout posted if you’d still like to come in and get some work done!

5 comments for “Brace up

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 80#
    WOD: last through the door at 24:29 Rx

  2. Jenna says:

    Tough workout! Those burpee desk squats were killer. 18:20 Rx. Have fun everyone!

    • Roger says:

      Today is a day I wish I hadn’t looked at the blog ahead of class. I don’t even want to think what my time is going to be.

  3. Roger says:

    STR: 65#

    WOD: 19:40 @ 55#. Last round was only 10 reps of each movement.

  4. Niki Brown says:

    Woah, misleadingly hard WOD.

    Did some bar muscle up progression work instead of pressing. Thanks Nick!

    WOD: 22:12 RX

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