Swing, Swing, Swing!

Kirstie Young | 05/03/2016 | 2


Today’s workout is on the longer side. The intervals are short and rest is built in. This means that each round you’ll get a chance to sprint fast and get to the bulk of the work: max effort kettelbell swings across all 10 rounds.

Keep each round quick and try and get to the kettlebell before time is up!

10 rounds @ 3:00

1:30 to complete:

5 burpees to plate

100m sprint

Max effort kettlebell swings (1.5/1)

rest 1:30

2 comments for “Swing, Swing, Swing!

  1. Adam says:

    WOD: 145 Rx
    This really was a fun one–the 90s/90s intervals were perfect for pacing.

  2. JT says:

    Did the WOD after morning classes with Naomi. I agree, this one was a LOT of fun!

    JT: 211 Rx
    Naomi: 140 Rx

    Kept the burpees fast. Hit 22 KBS for the first 5 rounds, then did what I could for the rest.

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