Double 14s

Nick | 10/26/2016 | 2


That’ll be a 14 minute EMOM for strength work followed by a 14 minute AMRAP for conditioning.

The EMOM will give us some time to focus  on gymnastic strength.  If muscle ups are on your bucket list, doing the ring rows with a strong and proper false grip can help get you there.

The WOD has a little dumbell complex in it.  We’re calling them “DB back makers” and doing a few of them well will show you why.  They start with a push up to your dumbells followed by a row with each arm.  Once that’s done, we finish by getting our feet back underneath us (like a burpee) and deadlifting the dumbells back to a standing position.


a) 5-10 False grip ring rows
b) 5 HSPU
:30 seconds of hard work


200m row
10 Lateral jumps over rower
5  DB back makers
10 Lateral jumps over rower

2 comments for “Double 14s

  1. Roger says:

    WOD: 5+111 @ 25#

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