Racing against the clock

Kirstie Young | 12/05/2016 | 4


When we program for all of you, we do our best to keep things interesting, fun, and safe. It’s good for you! We try and Β give you a variety of workouts long, short, intense, heavy, etc. Today you’ll be racing against the clock in a 12 min every minute on the minute.

The intent of the workout today is to move as quickly as possible to get as much rest as you can.Β It will behoove you to scale appropriately and move quickly to complete the task before the minute runs out.

Push press

a) row 15 cal
b) 8 russian kbs (32/24) + 8 burpees

4 comments for “Racing against the clock

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Strength: 115#
    WoD: 90 cal row; 48 KB swings @ 28kg; & 48 burpees in total.

  2. BooBoo says:

    Strength: 155#
    WOD: 11:46 rx This was a tough one.

  3. Niki Brown says:

    STR: 150# which I thing is a PR?

    WOD: Sorta RX? Didn’t make the cal row on one of the rounds. Woof.

  4. Eoin says:

    STR: 145#
    WOD: 11:46 @ 20# Russian kbs

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