Practice, apply

Nick | 02/16/2017 | 2

Our strength work not only makes us stronger, it prepares us for the way we’d like to move in a WOD.  Today we’ll see a direct application of that idea.  Our push jerks early on will be a chance to clean up the movement and prepare us to move heavier loads in the workout.  Scale heavy – you should be prepped for it.


Push Jerk



4 Rounds
Row 500m
10 Jerks (135/95)
*Scale heavy
**16 min cap

2 comments for “Practice, apply

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Str: 130#
    WoD: 13:10 @ 95#. (7:10 spent rowing, remainder on the jerks and otherwise catching my breath…)

  2. Eoin says:

    STR: 145#
    WOD: 14:30 @ 95#

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