Simple but effective

Kirstie Young | 04/17/2017 | 6

I hope you all enjoyed Marathon Monday! To get the ball rolling, we’ll set you up for some volume front squats. Then we’ve got a coupletΒ with pull ups and heavy hang power cleans. Enjoy!

Front squat

Pull ups
Hang power cleans (135/95)

6 comments for “Simple but effective

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Str: 165#
    WoD: 8:39 w/band-assisted pullups (green) and 95# hand power cleans was plenty good.

  2. Josh Mc says:

    * hang…

  3. Ben PC says:

    WOD: 11:22 Rx

  4. Eoin says:

    STR: 185#
    WOD: 6:59 with jumping pull ups and 95# HPCs

  5. Niki Brown says:

    STR: 175#
    WOD: 6:48 @ 115#

  6. Roger says:

    STR: 165#
    WOD: 7:22 @ 95#

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