Squat and Thrust

JT Scott | 05/21/2017 | 3

It has been a lovely week, and though the forecast calls for rain on Monday, I’m personally excited for once by that prospect! I spent a LOT of money recently getting our entire roof resurfaced, so we’re going to get to find out tomorrow how effective that was. Keep an eye out for leaks – but I have high hopes that we’ll stay nice and dry tomorrow.

The strength work for Monday includes some big sets that will help prep our front rack position for the thrusters. After all those heavy squats the thrusters will feel really light!

Next weekend is Memorial Day Weekend, and as usual we’ll be closed for the holiday. Also as usual, we will be gathering en masse to engage in our annual “Murph”. “Murph” is a great workout and a real mental and physical challenge that will test both your stamina and your resolve.

Memorial Day and all it entails has a lot of history and significance to CrossFitters, so stay tuned to the blog – I’m sure you’ll read stories here from your coaches about their experiences and histories with this unique and special Hero WOD.

Front Squat

3 Rounds
400m Run
21 Thrusters (45/35)

* Beginners and Intermediates scale HSPU to kick-up-push-up.

3 comments for “Squat and Thrust

  1. Roger says:

    STR: 115#
    WOD: 12:56 w/8 kick-up-push-ups

  2. Eoin says:

    STR: 115#
    WOD: 13:23 w/8 kick-up-push-ups

  3. Jon says:

    STR: 135#
    WOD: 17:07 with kick-up-push-ups

    Roger, Eoin, you two are my heroes.

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