Deadlifts and More Deadlifts

JT Scott | 06/25/2017 | 3

Today we’re doubling up on one of our favorite movements in two different contexts.

On it’s own, the deadlift is extremely functional: after all, we all have to pick something up off the floor frequently throughout our lives. (As father of a toddler, I do a lot of picking things up.)

It’s also one of the movements where we can use that powerful posterior chain of hamstrings and glutes paired with a strong midline/core to move maximal weight, which makes it a great way to exert our central nervous system and stimulate our bodies to get stronger.

And as you’ll notice today, doing a great many reps at a moderately heavy weight fast is surprisingly effective at generating a strong metabolic response. You’ll have your heart racing in no time here moving weight that is calibrated to your own mass.

So today you’ll spend some time with your feet firmly planted on the ground and some time flying through the air with some amount of relative ease. Don’t worry about the math: JT loves math, and we’ll help you figure out the right weight for you to move today. You’ve just got to focus on staying well braced and getting that weight moving in between your gymnastic work.


4 Rounds
12 Deadlifts @ 125% bodyweight
9 Pullups
6 Pushups

3 comments for “Deadlifts and More Deadlifts

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 315# pr though the first pull was crappy. I think today was the first time I’ve ever lifted more than 300#, period.
    WOD: 11:24 (I think) at 225#, which is a little shy of 125%

  2. Josh Mc says:

    Str: 275#
    WoD: 8:40 @ 165#; more like 90+% BW….But completed the pullups, which were the most pullups I’ve done in a ~10 minute stretch, so there’s that!

  3. Eoin says:

    STR: 295#
    WOD: 8:49 @ 185# (1.125 BW)

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