Covering more ground

Nick | 07/27/2017 | 3

We’re starting with a short, punchy WOD today that’ll get us revved up and get our lats and hips ready to lift.  This flip should be just enough to feel it but with enough left in the tank to get after some heavy deads.  As is the case with everything, we can scale our broad jumps as needed, but try to keep yourself to a distance that really makes you load up and jump.  Short-changing your jump just short-changes your workout.



pull ups

broad jumps (6’/4′)




3 comments for “Covering more ground

  1. Eoin says:

    WOD: 6:37 Rx
    STR: 305#

  2. Roger says:

    WOD: 6:31 Rx
    STR: 265#

    Bonus partner WOD with EB and the Muppets:
    7 Rounds
    3 Tire Flips (each person)
    10 Push Ups
    15 Tire Step Ups

  3. Jon says:

    WOD: 6:20 Rx (a little janky; not 100% sure I cleared the bar on the last couple pull ups)
    STR: 295#

    Partner WOD sounds fun!

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