Squeeze and Bounce

JT Scott | 08/13/2017 | 6

We’re a week into the new traffic patterns in Union Square, and it has definitely been an adventure. The city continues to experiment with cones and travel lane placement, so please do send your feedback to them at these email addresses. Have you had a hard time getting to the gym? Do you feel unsafe at any of the intersections? Are you concerned about traffic interactions with the bike lanes? Anything else? Let the city know! (You can also copy me on the emails if you’re interested.)

A few gym members have submitted comments and even if no one from the city directly responds to you, they absolutely read them and feel the pressure. Let the city know that CrossFit Somerville isn’t a silent bystander in Union Square!

The Overhead Squats today will be all about stability – starting at the midline and emphasized through your shoulders as you keep that weight stable overhead at the bottom. After all that intense work holding still, we’ll get gymnastic and bouncy in a WOD guaranteed to keep you moving fast!

Overhead Squats
* 2 second pause @ bottom

Tabata 12
S2OH (75/55)

6 comments for “Squeeze and Bounce

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Str: 70#
    WoD: 188 reps @ 65#, and pushups scaled to ring rows after two rounds.

  2. Joanna vanden says:

    204 , 55#, ring rows, PU on 30″ box

  3. Eoin says:

    STR: 105#
    WOD: 145 Rx

  4. Jon says:

    STR: 95#
    WOD: 170 Rx

    Holy shoulders, Batman.

  5. Kevin says:

    Str: 155#
    Wod: 178 with ring rows; 75# S2OH

  6. Erik says:

    Str: 155#
    WOD: 222 Rx. May have started too much with the push-ups as I became very tired pretty early on. Pacing yourself is key.

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