Heads up

Kirstie Young | 09/12/2017 | 2

Hello, friends! Just a few pieces of business:

  • Tomorrow night Olympic lifting is canceled because JT will be busy at a debate for alderman.
  • Additionally this weekend, Saturday class will be a charity workout for the Jimmy Fund. This is workout will happen 10-11 in honor of Nelly’s mother and her ongoing support for cancer research. Donations are not required but are certainly welcome.

The workout has high box jumps and power snatches. When you boil it down they are both jumps, we’re just more familiar with jumping on a box compared to using our jump to move a barbell. Hopefully, we’ll all learn something new today.

Overhead squats

Box jumps (30/24)
Power snatch (95/65)



2 comments for “Heads up

  1. Steven says:

    45 min jog @3.45 miles.
    Shins and calves too sore to go on!

  2. Eoin says:

    STR: 105#
    WOD: 9:36 @ 75#

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