Bear WOD

Nick | 10/17/2017 | 2


CrossFit is all about finding high intensity with functional movements.  Sometimes those movements are pull ups, sometimes they’re box jumps.  Today, one of them is the Bear Complex.

As you can see below, the bear complex is a series of 5 barbell movements done in succession.  For the WOD, we want to treat this just like we would any other movement.  That is to say, scale to move.  We’re not looking to use the heaviest weight that we can move through this series, but a challenging weight that we can move quickly an smoothly.

For reference, the bear is usually done for max load that you can do 7 rounds of it unbroken.  We’re not asking you to do that today, but you should be able to connect a few at the weight you are doing if you expect to make it to the end of this one.


2 push press


1 Push Jerk

(practice bringing the bar back down to your back as WOD prep!!!)


4 rounds

7 bear complexes (95/65)

10 bar facing burpees

*bear complex is*

power clean

front squat

shoulder to overhead

back squat

shoulder to overhead

2 comments for “Bear WOD

  1. Niki Brown says:

    STR: 135#
    WOD: 10:35 @ 85#

  2. Roger says:

    STR: Did some stuff
    WOD: 12:34 @ 95# (for a little bit), then 85# (for about half of it) then 75# (for the rest of it)

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