Flip style

Nick | 03/07/2018 | 4

You know the drill, friends.  Today the WOD comes first and strength at the end.  This short AMRAP should get you revved up but not leave you wrecked so you still have some grit to hit the squats with.

Last week’s Open WOD was a good reminder why we do this – you don’t always get to be at your best when you’re lifting heavy.  Here’s how to prep for it:



10 OH lunge steps (45/25)

10 pull ups

10 deck squats to plate


Back Squat



4 comments for “Flip style

  1. Abigail R says:

    WOD: 3 + 17 rx
    STR: 155#. Thanks to Kirstie and Jenna for reminding me that this is a very doable weight for me (AKA to stop being lazy).

  2. Michael says:

    WOD: 4 + 25 RX
    STR: 235# x 2

    Love this WOD, especially the ‘surprise burpees’! Good to get the engine revved up and try and keep up the push under duress.

  3. Adam says:

    WOD: 3 + 15 Rx
    STR: 225#

  4. Nadav says:

    WOD: 4+12
    deck squats (as promised, not burpees)
    jumping pull ups

    STR: 195# PR
    trying to do more, but my legs are still sore from jumping yesterday

    such a fun day!

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