Twenty Twenty Twenty

Melaina Neisner | 04/09/2018 | 5


I just want to give a shout to my evening classes today! Y’all absolutely crushed “DT”! The effort y’all put forth is one of the reason I love my job! So thank you for some killer classes guys! (Shout out to last Monday evenings classes too!!)


Alright! On to tomorrows work out!


20 cal row

20 KB Snatch (24/16)

20 goblet squats

20 push ups

Nice easy rep scheme for y’all to keep track of! This work out is definitely going to get your heart rate up, so for the row I want y’all to pick a nice solid pace to stick with and try to use that time while you are on the rower to get your heart rate down. Then we have some kettle bell snatching, we are keeping it at a light weight so you can keep it punchy. For the 20 reps, we’ll have you do 10 on one arm then switch to complete 10 reps on the other arm. Next up is the goblet squat! Keep those legs cranking, try to keep these unbroken, you’ll be using the kettle bell from snatching for the squats. Then finally we have push ups! These will get spicy fast, I want you to choose a scale that allows you to crank these out in sets of 2-3 (4 absolute max). The goal for today will be constant movement try not to stare at the ground for too long! Have fun with this one guys! I know y’all will crush it!


5 comments for “Twenty Twenty Twenty

  1. JoshMc says:

    WoD: 4+70 Rx, with helpful coaching feedback to get my chest all the way to the ground on each pushup. Also, workout on the whiteboard updated to goblet lunge (vs. goblet squat).

  2. Abigail R says:

    WOD: 3 + 29 using low barbell for pushups

  3. Ben B says:

    WOD: 4 + 36 Rx

  4. Roger says:

    WOD: 4+60

  5. Nadav says:

    WOD: 4 & 16 (I think) and push ups from the green box

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