Similar but Different

JT Scott | 05/20/2018 | 5

One beautiful thing about CrossFit is the constant variation. Even with a fairly limited number of “fundamental movements”, we can mix and match them to create entirely new experiences that prevent getting accustomed to a specific stimulus and continue to push our bodies to adapt for ever greater general physical preparedness.

Today’s a great example of that. The DBs are the same as what we used last week, and the cleans are similar to the clean&jerks we used them for. The 400m run paired with a longish couplet is the same format as the Monday workout from last week, too. But combined in a new way, with a rope climb thrown in, and this will feel like an all-new challenge. Which it is.

So get your long socks and running shoes ready! (Except for Jon, who always goes barefoot.) This will be a beast of a WOD.


4 Rope Climbs
16 DB Squat Cleans (40/25)
Run 400m

5 comments for “Similar but Different

  1. Ken Inokuchi says:

    WOD: 3+3 DB squat cleans 25#. Scaled rope climbs due to my shoulder issues. Met coach Nick for the first time! My mobility sucks! He recommended to come to mobility hour on Saturdays. Thanks Nick. I will be there.

  2. Eoin says:

    WOD: 3 + 318… 2 RCs per round, 25# DBSC

  3. Roger says:

    WOD: 3+9 @ 25#

  4. Jon says:

    3 + 1 Rx

    I feel vaguely internet famous.

  5. Nadav says:

    WOD: 2+20 @ 30#

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