Murph Update and a Dirty Couplet

Nick | 05/21/2018 | 2

A spicy 4 rounder that’s all hips is our charge today.  We’ll want to warm up our snatch well so we’re ready to rip when the clock starts.  It’ll be a good opportunity to work up to a heavier weight and then back down for the WOD.  Make sure you can cycle the bar for this one.

On another note, we’ll be running “Murph” this Monday for Memorial Day at 10AM.  There will be no regular classes, so come and join us for our annual remembrance.


4 rounds

20 power snatch (105/75)

20 cal row


2 comments for “Murph Update and a Dirty Couplet

  1. Nadav says:

    18:24 @75#

  2. Michael says:

    WOD: 17:27 @ 95#
    My rowing came unraveled like a cheap sweater.

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