We pick things up & put them down

Kirstie Young | 05/23/2018 | 3

Friends! We’ve got a short couplet of toes to bar and broad jumps to get you hot and primed to deadlift nice and heavy.

As many of you know our first order of business is to keep you safe. We do this by helping you move the best you can in many different situations. The stronger your positions the more potential you have to lift heavy.

Today is no different. We want you to get heavy and challenge yourself but know when enough is enough.


Toes to bar
*50 foot broad jump

Deadlifts x3

3 comments for “We pick things up & put them down

  1. Eoin says:

    WOD: 3:36…1st round was TTB, other rounds were knee raises
    STR: 305#

  2. Gaffney says:

    WOD: 3.27 knees to bar
    STR: 305#

  3. Niall says:

    WOD: 3.29 Knee Raises
    STR: 255#

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