One more time

Kirstie Young | 06/13/2018 | 3

The theme of programming today is to just keep moving. We have large sets for the strict press. This is a physical and mental challenge so make smart weight jumps.

The work out is a triplet designed to challenge your heart rate and move weight overhead. The rep scheme is relatively small and completely doable with a little mental grit.

The push press, box jumps, and pull should be unbroken. The first set of 21 can feel daunting but I challenge you to move quickly and consistently through each movement. When things get tough in workouts I just tell myself one more rep until it’s done.

Don’t over think it. And as always have a fun!

Strict press


Push press (95/65)
Box jumps (24/20)
Pull ups

3 comments for “One more time

  1. JoshMc says:

    Str: 80#
    WoD: 8:22, 80# push press, 24 inch box, scaled down to 15-12-9 on the pullups

  2. Ben says:

    STR: 85#, only got 8 last set
    WOD: 7:51, 85# PP, 24″ box, PU.
    Should have gone Rx maybe but the pace was great with that weight…

  3. Nadav says:

    STR: 55# and 60# but only 9
    WOD: 7:28 @ 75#

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