Nate Lite

JT Scott | 06/17/2018 | 4

Nate Lite isn’t a beer; it’s a shortened version of a Hero WOD to give us more time to work on building blocks for these high-skill, high-strength movements and set the scales appropriately.

There are a few folks here who can do this as RXd, and the shortened time frame will get a few folks who are “on the cusp” make an attempt at it.

The full WOD is 20 minutes long, but we’re cutting it down to give us more time to go into the details. It will also allow us to set the scales a little higher on the strength/skill threshold than a 20-minute grind would allow. Setting it up with scales closer to the full movements will allow you to build strength and capability towards doing this one RX someday.

It may look intimidating, but no matter where you’re at in your journey this will be a good day to come in and work on making some progress. If you’re not ready to go full-out “CrossFit Style”, a mindset of taking this on as an hour of technique and strength work will do you good.

2 Muscle-Ups
8 KB Swings (32/24 kg)

4 comments for “Nate Lite

  1. JoshMc says:

    WoD: 10. Muscle-ups off a 24” box; pike pushups off the same box; 1.75 pd KBS.

  2. Roger says:

    WOD: 6+4. MUs, HSPUs w/ab mat, 1.5pd KBs

  3. Eoin says:

    WOD: 6+10. Jumping MUs, HSPUs w/ab mat, 1.75pd KBs

  4. Nadav says:

    WOD: 6+2, variously scaled, KB 1.5pd
    It was such a fun work out!

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