Cleaning up your kip

Kirstie Young | 07/17/2018 | 2

The skill of the day is…. kipping! Even if your a pro at kipping there are always things to work on. The time spent practicing your kip will be a good litmus test for the toes to bar in the workout.

The workout is a longer AMRAP that reads like a laundry list of movements. The idea is to give you a chance to get 1 round plus some reps. For some of us getting as many reps as possible may be the goal. It’s all good for us.

Just give it your best and you’ll be great.

Kipping/ Toes to bar

50 Cal row
40 Wall balls
300m Run
20 Toes to bar
300m Run
40 Wall Balls
50 Cal row

2 comments for “Cleaning up your kip

  1. Eoin says:

    WOD: 1+53 Rx (did TTBs but need to work on stringing them together)

  2. Roger says:

    WOD: 1+50 Rx (did 50 Cal row but need to work on getting longer legs so I can row faster)

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