Summer Sunday Fun

JT Scott | 07/22/2018 | 3

I know I’ve said it before in this space, but it’s hard to overstate how awesome Sundays are at CrossFit Somerville. There’s a big crowd of folks there working on their own programs or banding together to try their own workouts. This Sunday was no exception: all four coaches were there at one point, each of us doing our own things while y’all did yours.

Add to that the fact that there’s generally both kids and dogs present… and there’s a little something for everyone here on Sundays! It’s one of the most restorative and joyful times of the week for me – I feel overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for this amazing community of truly extraordinary individuals, and I just wish everyone could know you too.

Come on down and check out Open Gym, if you haven’t. It’s wholesome fun for the whole family!

The workout today is a 15 minute journey of discovery. You’ll learn new things about your pacing for double unders and the impact of cardio strain on your ability to jump big loads from the ground to your shoulders. I for one am excited to see how y’all rise to meet this challenge!

Hang Power Cleans x5

50 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Burpees over bar

3 comments for “Summer Sunday Fun

  1. JoshMc says:

    Str: 135#
    WoD: 4 + 37 @ 35 DUs per round; 115# powerclean; slow burpees as a bit of a recovery (which is crazy but true). Also, kind of humid.

  2. Ben B says:

    STR: 155#
    WOD: 4 + 57 @115 PC

  3. Nadav says:

    STR: 135#
    WOD: 4+47 @ 105# & 30 jump-n’-tap

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