Find your intensity

Kirstie Young | 09/20/2018 | 4

The class today is very straightforward with rowing intervals for strength andfront squats. These are not fancy movements but you’ll get a chance to tap into yourself and dig into the short rowing sprints on the clock.

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
Row 250m
*Score is your slowest round

Front squats

4 comments for “Find your intensity

  1. JoshMc says:

    WoD: 46.6 seconds slowest round
    Str: 145#

  2. Ben B says:

    WOD: 50.1 slowest round. Went too slow first round, dropped to 48ish for the remainder…
    STR: 185# x 6

  3. Roger says:

    WOD: Slowest :56
    :50, :52, :53, :54, : 56, :56
    STR: 155#

  4. Nadav says:

    WOD: slowest 1:04, but all of them were pretty much 1:04-1:06

    STR: 155#

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