Super Setting

JT Scott | 01/27/2019 | 8

Today’s WOD may feel a little bit weird. The Wallballs and Dubs are an easy combo that gets the burn going, but every 2 minutes you’ll need to stop what you’re doing, go into the rings, and crank out 5 strict ring dips (or other pushing movement, if you’re scaling).

Our newest coaches are really starting to spool up and get their feet underneath them, and you’ll see Nelly and Jenna coaching a few more times this week – getting valuable coaching feedback from Mel and Kirstie, before she leaves.

As just a reminder: if you have any feedback yourself about the coaching, programming, or anything else here at the facility… you don’t have to wait for our official surveys. Send me a message anytime to let me know what’s on your mind!

Deadlift x2

30 Double-Unders
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
* Every 2 minutes perform 5 Strict Ring Dips

8 comments for “Super Setting

  1. JoshMc says:

    Str: 265#
    WoD: 5 (I think I made it to 5, it was a blur) + 38 @ 20# WB, DUs and blue-banded assisted ring dips

  2. Ben B. says:

    STR: 315#
    WOD: 5 + 35 Rx

  3. Ben PC says:

    WOD: 3+39 w/ foot assisted ring dips

  4. Nadav says:

    STR: 255# PR
    WOD: 3+25 @ 15DUs, WB 16#, and 5 ring dips, first couple of sets without band then with

  5. Roger says:

    STR: 285#
    WOD: 4 @ 15DUs, 20# WB, ring dips

  6. Jon says:

    Str: 365# (PR!)
    WoD: 3 + 43 Rx

  7. Niki says:


    STR 285#
    WOD 4+39

  8. play games says:

    The only bad news is that bassist Benjamin Orr aren’t going to be with people
    today. When you are worried about fans and reaction, you
    upwards selling out. It’s the greatest breakup album ever released.

Comments are closed.