
Melaina Neisner | 03/07/2019 | 2

19.3 is going to be a doozy, y’all! Here is how it’ll go down tomorrow AM


Handstand work


For time:

200′ Single Arm Over Head Walking Lunge (50/35)

50 DumbBell Box Step ups (24/20)

50 HandStand PushUps

200′ Bear Crawl

10:00 time cap

We will spend the first half of class working on getting upside down in some capacity – we can work on some handstand push ups (maybe get a few firsts?) or maybe we are just working on gaining confidence on kicking up to the wall.

Then for the work out – choose a scale that is challenging but doable for the handstand push ups – just like any other work out, we can drop the reps down is we need to. Those Single Arm Over Head walking lunges will get spicy so don’t get too over zealous on those suckers. Be aware, the step ups look harmless but they will be sneaky! Then just try to get through that bear crawl.

Have fun with the skill portion of class today, friends. Then just keep racing that clock during the work out!


For those of you who want to fitness with us for Friday Night Lights – please shoot me an email! Or if you don’t you should still come by to hang out and help cheer on your friends, we’ll be throwing down from 5-730ish!

2 comments for “19.3!!

  1. Ben B says:

    WoD: @ 1/2 Reps 1rd + 101. 35#, 24″, started with kipping HSPU then down to pike pushups, BC.
    The official scale is almost as crazy as the official Rx!

  2. JoshMc says:

    WoD: @ 1/2 reps (and AMRAP style): 1+90 @ 35# and 24” box; pike pushups; & bear crawl. This one was not in my (small) wheelhouse but a great shoulder workout nonetheless.

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