Simple, effective

Nick | 05/13/2019 | 7

The theme of today is don’t overcomplicate.  We’ll be picking up something heavy for strength work, then using hip extension, hip flexion and picking ourselves up off the ground for conditioning.  Nothing to think too hard about, just grip it and rip it!




sets across



kettlebell swings (53/35)

toes to bar


7 comments for “Simple, effective

  1. Ben B says:

    STR: 275# x 5
    WoD: 9:01 (53# kb, TTR, ASSAULT BIKE for calories). Why did I let Mel talk me into the assault bike?!

  2. Aud O says:

    STR: 75# Personal Best
    WoD: 8:01 (personal scale – 15-9-6)
    Burpees were in better-than-ever form and I didn’t feel like I was going to die. Seriously making progress, here! I can’t thank you all enough!

  3. Abigail R says:

    STR: 195#
    WOD: 10:14 w/ 35# kb. Did TTB except mixed in knee raises to the round of 21 to get the “big sets” effect. Probably sped things up a bit and helped keep the TTB from going to singles and doubles in the later rounds.

  4. Eoin says:

    STR: 305#
    WOD: 6:48 Rx

  5. Nadav says:

    STR: 255# except the last rep
    WOD: 10:11 Rx these burpess…

  6. Roger says:

    STR: 255#
    WOD: 6:30Rx

  7. Sue says:

    STR: 155#
    WOD: 9:05 knee tucks

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