Spring Chickens

JT Scott | 06/16/2019 | 7

Our Spring Chickens have arrived! When you’re in the gym this week, feel free to peek in on the little chicks out there. They’re just 4 weeks old, but they’ll get bigger fast and should be laying eggs in no time flat. If you’d like to learn about how to care for chickens – and they’re super easy – just send me an email! I’ll be happy to walk through it with you. You can even join the chicken-care rotation and get yourself (quite literally) the freshest eggs in Somerville!

Seriously folks. I was at the Farmers Market this weekend and a dozen of those eggs are going for $12. It’s a whole lot cheaper to just feed the chickens yourself, and you’ll know for sure that they’re organic and humane. 🙂

As for the WOD today, nothing says Summer to me quite like HELEN. This is a classic CrossFit benchmark that might be the definition of “Cardio”. There is NO reason to set down the kettlebell, and the set of pullups is short, and the run is still a sprint distance. This one goes fast and gets your heart racing, so I invite you to set aside any idea you have of pacing and just charge full out at it!

Push Press

3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 KB Swings (24/16)
12 Pullups

7 comments for “Spring Chickens

  1. Sue says:

    STR: 70#
    WOD: 12:25 16# kb jumping pull ups

  2. JoshMc says:

    Str: 115#
    WoD: 11:02 Rx

  3. Abigail R says:

    STR: 85#
    WOD: 14:35 rx

  4. Eoin says:

    Str: 155#
    WoD: 11:56 Rx (1:05 quicker than my previous best time)

  5. Jon says:

    Str: 135#
    WoD: 12:17 Rx

  6. Bill Shoesmith says:

    STR: 95#
    WOD: 14:10 16# kb band pull ups

  7. Nadav says:

    STR: 1@ 125#, 4 rounds @ 115#
    WOD: 14:10 Rx

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