Lots of cardio and a little heavy lifting

Nick | 07/10/2019 | 5


Today we’ll be going after another 10 rounder.  This one will be a lot of “cardio” movement sprinkled with some heavy lifting.  You’ll have some time to workout a solid weight on the snatches, so make sure they’re significant!


10 rounds

12/10 cal row

3 power snatch (135/95)

200m run

5 comments for “Lots of cardio and a little heavy lifting

  1. JoshMc says:

    WoD: 25:30 @ 105# power snatch

  2. BenB says:

    WoD: 27:21 @ 115#

  3. Jenna says:

    Way to get all 10 rounds in, Josh and Ben. @Josh – proud to see you execute a steady & smart pacing strategy on this workout. @Ben – want to call out your power snatch form this morning. solid work with the heavy bar.

  4. Ana says:

    8+13 @ 85 lbs

  5. Nadav says:

    WOD: 30:58 @ 95#

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