Lucky # 8

Nick | 08/06/2019 | 5

It’s a double WOD day! Two 8 minute AMRAPs that are almost the same separated by 4 minutes is our work today.

It’s a pull/push/jump triplet that has us rowing each round for the “pull” and doing double unders for the “jump”.  The “push” will be push press in the first AMRAP but will change over to handstand push ups for the second.  Same pattern, just inverted =)



8 cal row

8 push press (135/95)

40 double unders

=rest 4:00=


8 cal row


40 double unders

5 comments for “Lucky # 8

  1. JoshMc says:

    WoD #1: 3+16 @ 95# push press & DUs
    WoD #2: 3+28 @ ring push-ups & DUs
    Eased off the row as I really needed the recovery during that time.

  2. Eoin says:

    WoD #1: 4+16 @ 95# push press & singles
    WoD #2: 3+64 @ 4 HSPUs on 1 ab mat & singles

  3. Ana says:

    3+9 Rx // 2 + 12 Rx

  4. Nadav says:

    WOD 1: 2+21 @ 105#
    WOD 2: 1+41 @ HSPU without abmat but then (second round) with 1 abmat
    I got all the dubs in! still double-single but it’s getting somewhat more natural

  5. Roger says:

    WoD #1: 3+13 @ 10 cal row, 95# push press & singles
    WoD #2: 4+24 @ 10 cal row, 4 HSPUs on 1 ab mat & singles

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