Learning About Ourselves

JT Scott | 08/15/2019 | 2

The movements we have today are some of my absolute favorites. Not because I particularly enjoy them, mind you. It’s because I respect what each of these movements can teach us about ourselves.

From a raw “power” standpoint, the power snatch is the pinnacle of barbell movements: a large load moved over the longest possible distance in the shortest possible time. After all, what’s farther than “from the ground to full lockout overhead”? From a position-challenging standpoint, the overhead squat is a perennial favorite: any mobility weakness will rear its head and show us where we need to work. And toes-to-bar… well, those are just awful once the reps start to pile up. Whether it’s grip, shoulders, midline, or just plain wind we know when we run out of steam in any of those respects.

Today’s workout is a climb. It starts with 3, then goes to 6, and then keeps piling up until we run out of time. It’s very similar to a “CrossFit Open” style of WOD, and if you choose to take this on at a weight that pushes the margin of your capabilities, you’ll get a chance to discover some important things to focus on in your next 6 months of training. Of course, if you make the weight any lighter then the toes-to-bar will catch up to you soon enough.

Any way you slice it, you’ll get a good workout in… and you’ll be better equipped to handle what comes next.

3 Power Snatch (95/65)
3 Overhead Squats
3 Toes to Bar
* increase reps by 3 each round
(…6 of each…9 of each…etc.)

2 comments for “Learning About Ourselves

  1. Ana says:

    15+24 Rx

  2. Nadav says:

    WOD: 12+9 @ 85#
    the last set of snatches got so slow

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