20.3 Pep Talk

Melaina Neisner | 10/24/2019 | 4

Hey Friends!

Back again with this weeks open blog! We have a repeat from 2018. The work out is bench mark work out “Diane” followed by another 21-15-9 heavier deadlift ladder with a 50′ handstand walk in between. Let’s take a look at this bad boy written out.




20.3 is…

For Time:

21 -15-9 of

Deadlifts (225/155)

Handstand Push ups


21 Deadlifts (315/205)

50′ Handstand walk

15 Deadlifts

50′ Handstand walk

9 Deadlifts

50′ Handstand walk

Time cap: 9:00

I know that advanced gymnastics and crazy heavy barbell movement workouts can be very intimidating but here is my pep talk for you, weather you are submitting scores through CrossFit dot Com or just participating in the open for fun, you can do this.

Here is my recommendation for y’all: pick a thing, anything and crush that thing. Maybe your goal can be to string together ALL your handstand push ups. Or maybe try to keep all the deadlifts in the Diane portion of the work out unbroken. Or if you’ve never done Diane RX do that! There are so many options, so many opportunities to reach new milestones.

Let’s talk about the scales for this work out, they are pretty straight forward and typical of the way that we would scale a work out in class. The deadlift weight goes down and the HSPU turn into  hand release push ups and the handstand walk turns into a bear crawl.

If you are submitting scores for CrossFit dot Com make sure to read through the standards carefully linked here. Here is a video for more details.

Give it all ya got and have the most fun doing this one this week TEAM!

JT’s REMINDER: If you’re coming in the evening, SIGN UP HERE for your “Friday Night Lights” heat, and make sure to sign up for a judging shift or two as well!

4 comments for “20.3 Pep Talk

  1. BenB says:

    WoD: 152 scaled. I almost want to do it again to try and finish. Almost…

  2. Ana says:

    86 reps Rx (way closer to finishing Diane than I expected!)

  3. Daniel S says:

    29 Rx. @Mel – I did more than 1 HSPU!!!

    Did this in the 5:30AM class with coach Mike judging. Coming back to Friday night lights to try the scale. Two-a-days!

  4. Eoin says:

    7:35 scaled (When I did 18.4 originally, I got 8:53 scaled)

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