Lucky 13

Jenna Buckle | 11/20/2019 | 1

Pete taking on the pull-ups in 20.5

It’s another “tempo” day, but this time we’re applying a tempo to strict pull-ups. How it works: once your chin is over the bar, you’ll spend five seconds lowering yourself back to a dead hang. For our strength portion, we’re looking to accumulate 20-30 total reps of pull-ups with a slow, controlled descent. No matter where you are with pull-ups, this is a fantastic drill to help you build strength to get to the next level. Your coach will meet you where you’re at, and there will be plenty of options to help you get the most out of this exercise!

After that, we’ll move onto an AMRAP 13 (yes, 13) with sandbags (or dumbbells), toes-to-bar, and loaded lunge steps. This’ll be a “choose your own adventure” day — meaning, you’ll get to choose whether you want to work with a sandbag or a dumbbell for the bear crawl drags and lunge steps. Choose wisely 🙂

Strict pull-ups with a 5-second descent

*Not for time
*Aim for 20-30 total reps


25′ sandbag or DB drag
10 toes-to-bar
25′ sandbag or DB drag
10 lunge steps w/ sandbag or DB

1 comment for “Lucky 13

  1. Nadav says:

    WOD: 6+25 Rx with a sandbag

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