Let’s get upside down!

Coach Michael | 03/30/2020 | 12

Hey Friends! Today we’re going to practice some static handstand holds coupled with air squats, so get ready!

For today’s mobility, pick 2-3 each of the shoulder and hip/leg stretches we’ve covered in the last few weeks. You know the ones that work for you even if they’re not your favorite (yet). Do them for a minimum of 30 seconds per side (R/L) or if it’s the Squat Hold Reach, do that for a minimum of 10 reps holding each reach for 3-5 seconds.

Once that is done, warm up with this series by going through it 2 times:

5 inch worm with 10 toe taps
10 Squat Hold Reach, holding each reach for 3-5 seconds.
5 chair dips
10 Lunge Steps in place

When you get that knocked out and feel sufficiently warmed up, the WOD today is straight forward:
5 Rounds
:30 second Handstand Hold
20 Air Squats

Find a wall/door in your home and be sure to NOT wear shoes (unless you are cool with painting). Get inverted to the best of your ability and use a couch cushion to pad your cranial landing zone if things get janky!
If you are still transitioning to a kick up Handstand Hold, you can practice Pike holds, with your feet/knees on a chair; getting your torso as vertical as possible. Get your iphone or other ‘timer’ in line of sight and hold that position for the full :30 secs.
After each :30 second interval, come down and perform 20 air squats.

A note on Air Squats: This basic movement is a FUNDAMENTAL one for CrossFit. If you can’t properly squat with just your body, how will you EVER get it done correctly under load? So, use this as an opportunity to PERFECT your air squat. It will pay dividends in the future! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/rMvwVtlqjTE

12 comments for “Let’s get upside down!

  1. Josh Feinman says:

    7:30 RX. That was fun! Glad I didn’t kick a whole in the dry wall, thanks for the tip about not wearing shoes!

  2. DANIEL S. says:

    5:48 Rx. That was tougher than it looks.

    Cashed out with some dips.

  3. Jack Orenstein says:

    30 seconds is a looooong time to be upside down.

  4. Melinda says:

    6:49 Rx

    More upside down please πŸ™‚

  5. Paul B. says:

    7:37. I lasted 30 seconds for the first round but faded earlier each round thereafter: a slow, sinking feeling. Did a 6th hand stand to make up for the cumulated deficit.

  6. Jenna says:

    Josh, Dan, Jack, Melinda, Paul — Great work with this handstand work at home.

    30 seconds IS a long time to be upside down. You did the right thing by coming down early if you needed to.

  7. Jim K. says:

    8:01, those handstands are much tougher than I expected.

    But glad I jumped in on this one.

  8. Berenice V says:

    My arms were shaking in the last one. I like upside-down exercises.

  9. Margaret says:

    Being upside down at home is fun! +1 vote for more like this.

  10. Robin K. says:

    5:56 Rx. Love upside-down!

  11. Sarah L says:

    Did this Weds b/c it was posted too late Monday for me to do, and Weds wasn’t posted when I started this morning πŸ˜›

    Loved it! Made up my own modification that I thought was good – because I can’t reliably get to vertical and it’s LOUD for downstairs neighbors. I did a L shape facing the wall, and then got into my hands as much as possible, lifting one leg at a time.

    And the squats were extra spicy after Tuesday’s workout …


  12. Heather J says:

    I also did this on Wednesday for the same reasons as Sarah!

    Did a wall climb and got as vertical as possible and then held for :30 seconds. Squats were a thing after yesterday’s runs/lunges.


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