Blessing in Disguise

Jenna Buckle | 05/06/2020 | 3


A blessing-in-disguise of this lockdown period is that we can experiment with new ways of moving our bodies to stay strong, healthy, and fit.

Although we may not be able to barbell squat right now, we can still build our lower body strength in creative ways.

We can also engage in movement patterns that are often overlooked in traditional CrossFit programming — such as single-leg, unilateral strength work.

That’s why, in today’s workout, I’m introducing one my favorite lower-body strength exercises: the Bulgarian split squat. Also known as a “rear foot elevated split squat,” this exercise can be performed bodyweight or loaded (for example, holding a KB/DB at your chest or at your sides).

The Bulgarian split is an incredible training tool that will challenge your balance and stability, and get your quads, glutes, and hammies firing. Just find a bench, chair, or couch to prop your rear foot on.

I’d encourage you to move through today’s workout with intention. Rather than speeding through, focus on the quality of your movement. Tune into which muscles you are engaging with each and every movement.

5 rounds:
12 bulgarian split squats per leg (unweighted or weighted)
15 V-ups or tuck ups
20 supermans
30 Russian twists (unweighted or holding a weight)

P.S. Thank you to those who shared well wishes for my upcoming move! Needless to say, I’m bummed that I won’t get to say an in-person goodbye to this incredible community we have at CFSV. I’ll post later this month with my “farewell,” but I want you to know that this community has touched my life in so many ways, and it’s been a privilege and a blessing to serve as your coach over the last year.

3 comments for “Blessing in Disguise

  1. Paul B. says:

    Thanks for this one, Jenna! Wobbly split squats, unweighted, and twists with my favorite granite block. Didn’t set a timer, but 12-15 minutes seems about right.

  2. Alex Whitmore says:

    The kids loved this one!

  3. Jenna Buckle says:

    Paul – I’m going to have to get myself a “favorite granite block.” Amazing.

    Alex – glad this was a fun one to do with the kids!

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