Rucking About

JT Scott | 08/10/2020 | 2

Today’s workout is just a bit of a slog. I’ll admit to having a preference for the shorter, punchier workouts – but getting in there and just slogging through a workload has a really rewarding feeling and generates tangible benefits for you… in the long run. (*puts on sunglasses CSI Miami style* YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHH)

Having the fortitude to stick it out through an ordeal is one of those things that we develop, just like our capacity to achieve any other goal. It’s late, so I’m not going to go TOO far into how this relates to our unique national response to a global pandemic, but suffice to say that I think we’d all be better off if more of us had practice in developing this discipline.

Today is simple: aim for 5k, and get through it. No intervals, no breaks, just load up a backpack with as much as you can bear and then BEAR IT all the way through 5000 meters. It’s only 3.2 miles.

Ruck 5k
* Load a backpack and go for a run or constant shuffle, whatever you can manage
* RX is a 40#/25# backpack load

2 comments for “Rucking About

  1. BenB says:

    I do want to do this SOMETIME. Maybe with a weight vest (I don’t have a good pack for this). But, today I did, 15 min AMRAP:
    3 HSPU (dropped to negatives at some point)
    6 Knees to elbows / TTB
    9 goblet squats
    12 cal row
    with a 1k row buy-in (not part of 15 min)

  2. Bill Shoesmith says:

    Still working my way up to a solid 5k. I opted for just a run this morning, made it 2.73mi in 27:39.

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