Back in Class; New Cycle Starting

JT Scott | 01/30/2022 | 2

Hi Team! I’m super happy to have us back to a “full” class schedule – see you tomorrow morning!

This is the start of the new cycle that we had *planned* to begin back on Jan 1; omicron happened. For the next 8 weeks we’ll be doing a ton of work on our Squats and our Pullups. For the TEST/RETEST we’ll be doing the lift Monday: Front Squats. And on THURSDAY, we’ll test the benchmark WOD for this cycle… something we’re calling “Betty”… veteran CrossFitters can probably guess already based on these clues what that WOD will be. Monday’s WOD isn’t a benchmark, but it sure is a gut-check; you’re strongly incentivized to go unbroken with the Kettlebell.

The storm and plowing have covered up the Prospect St parking lot entrance. I’ll try to keep the Newton St entrance clear, but be aware our parking space is going to be limited for a while. Fortunately, the sidewalks are clear!

We are back to being in class, but omicron (and COVID in general) aren’t “over” – so please at the least be wearing surgical masks – and we strongly urge you to wear N95 or KN95 while in class. Thanks, see you in the morning!

Front Squat 1RM
10 Goblet Squats (53/35)
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Knees to Elbows
* If you put down KB during the Gob/KBS (20 Reps), do 5 burpees

2 comments for “Back in Class; New Cycle Starting

  1. Robin says:

    Strength: 130#
    WOD: 6+11 Rx

  2. BenB says:

    I think FS was #215…

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