Open Closed, Guest Blog from Nat!

03/17/2024 |

The CF Open 2024 Season was awesome thanks to the great energy from y’all and the amazing work of Nat to make it all come together with the planning team. Saturday’s WOD and party was an absolute blast – and everyone was well fed between the potluck offerings and Mark’s amazing charcoal grill. And I’m […]

Barbell Complexes

02/28/2024 |

It can be real hard to break a bad habit. That’s also true of bad habits when it comes to our olympic lifts: finding those wrinkles and ironing them out can be especially hard because we rarely focus exclusively on those lifts in a way that allows for the time, variation, and repetition needed to […]

Intensity Has Several Flavors

02/27/2024 |

When people talk about increasing intensity in the context of CrossFit workouts or strength lifts, they are usually referring either to increasing the load or the speed. But our “strength” work today will have you sweating and straining without adding a single pound of weights – and moving real slow. Likewise, the workout today is […]

Topsy Turvy

02/26/2024 |

We’re flipping everything around today! The usual order of “strength then WOD” is getting flipped over, and you yourself will be doing the same. After our speedy WOD we’ll be spending 10 minutes working on drills that will help build your skills and strength for getting upside down effectively. No matter if you’re working on […]

Get to the Task

02/25/2024 |

This is a similar format to one we did a few weeks ago: Short windows of time with a pile of work between you and the only opportunity to score points. Last time the real challenge was just *getting* to the task… this time the challenge is balancing how fast you get to the task […]

Open Prep Part 2

02/22/2024 |

We’re doing another Open Prep workout today, splitting up into heats so that everyone gets a chance to do the WOD and also gets a chance to be the judge and scorer for someone else. It’s a two-fer: practice cycling those power snatches, and practice seeing and counting the reps for a buddy. The Open […]