All You Need Is a Chair

Jenna Buckle | 03/25/2020 | 11

Pictured here: Ana holding a high plank

Today’s workout is a strength-y one. Not only are we targeting your core strength with an extended high-plank hold, but we’re also working those tricep muscles by adding in chair dips.

How it works: set your timer for 12 minutes. When the clock starts, find a high plank (make sure to stack your hands directly under your shoulders and keep your pelvis tucked). If a high plank is too challenging for today, consider substituting in a knee plank.

Chances are, you won’t be holding the plank for 12 minutes straight. SO, every time you come down from the plank, head over to your chair and do 10 chair dips. I made a few demo videos of chair dips to help you out: easiest version, intermediate version, and advanced version.

A couple ways to record your score in the comments might include:

  • How long was your max plank hold?
  • What was your total number of plank-hold sets?
  • (If you used this WOD as an opportunity to work on dips…) What was your total number of chair dips?

Report back on how you tackled this one — we want to hear your strategy!

10 arm circles forward/back
Door frame stretch
Tricep stretch
10 inchworms

12 minutes:
Max effort: Hold a high plank (see above photo)*
*Every time you break, perform 10 chair dips

11 comments for “All You Need Is a Chair

  1. Sarah L says:

    Ok that was brutal.
    2 mins longest plank (first).
    Then 1 min planks.
    Maybe 60 dips, not sure.
    Sometimes I definitely took longer to do dips than necessary, but pretty sure I needed the rest!?

  2. Paul B. says:

    O trembling arms!
    1 min plank holds
    7 rounds (70 dips) with a few seconds left to avoid getting into another plank.
    Yup, I’ll feel this one tomorrow.

  3. Berenice V says:

    My longest plank: 90 sec (it was also the first)
    Planks between 60-90 sec.
    50 dips.

  4. Jack Orenstein says:

    8 sets of dips.
    At least it wasn’t burpees.

  5. DANIEL S. says:

    I went too strong early and this became really tough. Ended up doing a modified EMOM after about minute 4.

    Tough, but glad I did it.

  6. Jon says:

    Wrists were feeling a little janky today, so went for a run instead. Planning on coming back to this later, though!

  7. Josh Feinman says:

    Even the at home WODs that LOOK easy are the hardest. Longest planks were 90 seconds, shortest were 60 seconds.

  8. Aka says:

    Quickly devolved into an EMOM!

  9. Heather Jacques says:

    Longest plank: ~ 1 min
    Dips: 70

    Looked easy. Felt brutal.

  10. Robin K. says:

    Ugh. That was hard, and hard to stay motivated by myself. Longest plank was 75s

  11. JoshMc says:

    Good strength workout. Probably 70 or 80 Dips as I am not great at keeping that plank for long.

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