What hurts?

Brian Hack | 01/11/2012 | 5

You guys have been killing it lately. And with an increase in work capacity and strength, may also come more soreness or tightness in areas you are not familiar with. There will be a column on the Idea Board where you can write down areas that you would like to see more mobility on. Find it and grind it.






Strength: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5



4 Rounds

8 Power Cleans (115#/75#)

8 Front Squats

8 Burpees

5 comments for “What hurts?

  1. Cal says:

    last time i benched was on 8/24 and i did 3x~73# (33kg). Today was 5×78#, so i’m happy to see some progress there! my comments the last time i benched were in fact that this is NOT my strongest lift, and between august and march i hadn’t made much progress.

    wod: 8:28 Rx. I smoked the first round which was dumb because my middle rounds were slow. i underestimated 75# front squats.

  2. Nick says:

    185# on the bench. It was fun doing those with a spotter for once.

    9:53 Rx on the WOD. Round 1 felt great. Not so much for round 4. I got a splitting headache as soon as I started into the burpees that lasted the good part of the next hour. Chalking it up to dehydration.

    On a mobility note, I never seem to feel sore in my hamstrings, but I feel some additional flexibility in that area would make a lot of these workouts flow a lot better for me. Just my 2 cents on what to smash next…

  3. Erin B says:

    Bench #95, WOD (using 65#)7:11.

    Should have done #75 on the WOD. Did front squats yesterday and it didnt feel amazing for sets of 5. So i panicked. Should have gone a little bigger.

    On another note, there were 6 people at the 6 o’clock and a full house at the 7. What a different energy to the place. Fun, alive, motivating. Nice break down- thanks Yosh.

  4. Brian says:

    Bench: 155# for 5, 165# for 3 and then some help.

    WOD: 10:06 Rx. Like Nick, first round was great, but things fell apart once I was breaking up the set of front squats and had to power clean each time to get the weight up. Burpees were almost a welcome respite after the front squats.

    I could use some mobility in my ankles/calves. I think my range of motion is limited there for movements like front squats, OH squats and pistols that require a sharper angle at the ankle.

  5. lynn says:

    Can I put in a request for more shoulder/upper-back mobility? Beyond the ball and the half-dozen generic stretches I know, I’m still not able to get the kinks out. I’m building muscles in places I didn’t even know existed….and it’s cool…but the whole sometimes randomly “tweaking my neck” when I lift my arm thing has gotten real old real fast. 🙂

    And there are never too many painful hip-flexor stretches and pigeon/frog poses in my life….despite what I may say at the time. 🙂

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