
CrossFit, at heart, is an open-source movement. We are making fitness available for anyone. You can do this at home; I did, for a full year. We publish everything – workouts, programming, the what-why-how of each exercise.

However, it is the skilled instruction, the watchful eye, and the helpful advice from a qualified coach that reassures us during a workout that we are doing it right – that we can correct our mistakes – that we can push harder in pursuit of intensity knowing that someone else is watching our form for us and keeping us safe. It is the camaraderie found in your fellow travelers on this path that can help keep us moving towards our goals. It is having a place dedicated to only one purpose – a forge in which you are heated and reshaped – that reminds us why we have made time to come together today. That is why we created CrossFit Somerville. That is why it’s worth joining.

That said, there is a lot to learn outside the facility too – and you’ll come to the facility better prepared to take advantage of this excellent opportunity if you are educated. Here’s some great resources.

Education is the home-base. Free programming, free video tutorials, and more material than you’re willing to read.

The CrossFit Journal is the largest high-quality fitness library on the net, and it continues to grow daily. An annual membership is $25, with free articles, such as CrossFit’s pioneering article on fitness entitled What is Fitness?, and video previews available.

The Center for Media Literacy is an important organization that has a lot to say about what you’re consuming, even when you’re not aware you’re consuming it.


Paleo in a Nutshell

Robb Wolf’s blog is a great place to check in for discussion of all things nutrition.


The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) is dedicated to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression. We envision a world where persons of all genders are treated with respect and fully participate in all areas of society, free from fear of prohibition, harassment or violence based on their gender identity and/or expression.

Note: CrossFit Somerville is a gender-neutral facility. If you are asked what pronouns you prefer when we meet you for the first time, please don’t be offended. We ask everyone.

The Wounded Warrior Project works to honor and empower wounded warriors by providing unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of severely injured service members.