CrossFit Somerville April Newsletter

Spring is here! Updates the happenings recently past and coming soon at CFSV, info on personal training, and lots of article links to read! Check it out!
Spring is here! Updates the happenings recently past and coming soon at CFSV, info on personal training, and lots of article links to read! Check it out!
Part 1 because the Newsletter is getting long (again) because we’re such an active community!
JT’s bi-monthly update on what’s happening in and around the box! Take a read to get the inside scoop on past and coming events!
A potluck party this Sunday, a fun run in early October, new programming notes, Urban Ag Updates, and two cool ways to get involved in the neighborhood and do community service! It’s the newsletter!
Last year around this time, I ran a survey asking all of the members of the CrossFit Somerville community what they wanted. I got a lot of great feedback and an amazing response rate – because y’all are really invested in what we’re doing here and really want to help me improve it. Looking at […]
We’ve got a lot of exciting things happening in and around CFSV and the larger community and we want to let you know all about them.