Disadvantageous positioning

Brian Hack | 06/13/2012 | 8












Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3



5 Rounds:

Row 250m

20 Situps

10 back squats @ 135/95

Rest 30 secs between each round

8 comments for “Disadvantageous positioning

  1. will says:

    Sweet, I’ve still never done a sumo deadlift.

  2. Cal says:

    SDL: 145#. I was apparently being a slow poke this morning and only got through 4 sets and definitely had more in me

    wod: 16:19 Rx. Glad i went with the Rx, i almost bitched out cuz i was nervous back racking 95#. Thanks for the encouragement to get after it, Harry and Mandy!

  3. Harry says:

    Sumo Deadlift: 315#

    WOD: 18:00 RX

    Good job 530a and shout out to Cal for conquering her fear of having a skinny metal bar over her head.

  4. Jaime says:

    SD: 155#
    WOD: 16:34, 65#


  5. will says:

    Sumo: 295# This beats my regular deadlift PR, but it was hard to keep good form.

    WOD: 15:51 @95#. I would have gone Rx if we were taking the bar from a squat rack, but I was pretty nervous about dropping 135# or even 115# on my neck.

  6. Steve says:

    SDL: 275#, the rep is always the hardest.
    WOD: 15:11 @ 115#. Surprisingly the clean to overhead transition wasn’t the hard part for me, though I did manage to drop the bar on my neck one time. Getting deep enough on my squat and keeping my knees out was the most difficult for me.

  7. Mike says:

    Sumo: 285#
    WOD: 16:06 RX

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