Snatch Grip Deadlifts

Brian Hack | 05/06/2013 | 4

*Note, this does not need to be done with a shrug towards the finish. What you should look at here is setup to finish. The hips and shoulders, just as in our normal deadlift, move at the same rate. Also, the bar is kept in tight with the body ensuring that the weight is kept well within our COM (center of mass). We are going for short reps so that we can find a weight which we can move crisp. If you are moving well and want to go heavy then that’s fine, but if it’s feeling awkward then stay at something you will be able to hold a tight posterior chain with.



Snatch Grip Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2



60 Walking Lunge Steps

40 Kb Swings (1.5pd/1pd)

20 Burpees

10 Chest to bar Pull-ups

4 comments for “Snatch Grip Deadlifts

  1. Danielito Arcenio says:

    SGDL: 325#
    These were OK. First time doing snatch grip deadlifts for strength.

    WOD: 4:52 Rx
    Fun little chipper!

  2. cmliu says:

    snatch grip deadlift: 125# PR. (last time this was my 1RM due to grip fatigue. hook grip mania is finally paying off!)

    WOD: 6:27 @ 16kg, red+blue. lactic acid party happening in the walking lunges.

  3. Amy says:

    SGDL: 145# – surprised by how much I was able to lift.
    WOD: 5:53 25lb, dead hang w/blue band (I really need to learn how to kip.)

  4. damien says:

    Snatch Grip DL: 225#, don’t enjoy the grip on this one.

    WOD: 4:55 Rx

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