
Brian Hack | 05/16/2013 | 9





Cleans (135/95)

Ring Dips

*For the RX, Cleans must be full. In other words, Squat Cleans.


9 comments for “Elizabeth

  1. Olivia says:

    12:21rx. I was a bit anxious to rx this one, but I just did things one (sometimes small) set at a time and miraculously all the reps got done. πŸ™‚

    Nice work this morning, 5:30.

    And for the flag football recap: Last night was a tough, hard-fought loss against a team with more experience. Though we may not have been the most-skilled at football out there (yet), we could have kettlebell swung them into the ground. Next time…

    My highlights:
    -Nikki’s incredible flag pulling abilities
    -Fuzzy’s I’m-a-big-guy-so-i’m-going-to-stand-here-with-my-arms-up-in-your-face defense.

    • Mad Mike says:

      I certainly don’t have speed on my side when it comes to defense; just using what I got πŸ™‚

  2. Danielito Arcenio says:

    WOD: 10:11 (Rx weight, decline deficit push-ups- feet on chair and p-bars)

    Damn shoulder wasn’t ready for 45 ring dips. However, first time meeting Elizabeth and she was great.

  3. cmliu says:

    loving these gorgeous mornings. thanks for having me, 7:30am!

    elizabeth: 13:12 @ 85#, scaled ringdips. the collective front-squatting was leg-tastic. thx JT for the wrist/grip tip on the catchβ€”really helpful.

    a great way to kick off the end of a long week.

  4. Renee says:

    I haven’t been able to join in all the fun with my stupid toe for 2 weeks but I’ve been doing ALL OF THE PRESSES and ALL OF THE PULL UPS and ALL OF THE RING DIPS. Today I actually rowed as well and did Thrusters. I am not 100% sure that rowing was a great idea because there was some toe action so I relied more heavily on my right leg to alleviate pressure on my left and went slowly… there is no pain or anything but I know the bone is still soft and healy-ish.

    Anyway tonight I did a few things:

    1. Max rep pull ups 3 times.. when the kip stopped, I stopped. I guess I may have been able to eke out one more each time strict but I’m not sure: I got 4, 5 and 5. Kipped. Like, in a fucking row. That is some new shit.

    2. Next I did a heavy to light rep scheme of bench press. THANK YOU TRISH for spotting me!! I did this a couple times: 80% max reps, 60% max reps, 40% max reps – rest 5 min. Go again. My max reps mostly happened on round one except the 45# which I wasn’t lined up well for on round one so I maxed on round 2. Always eskimo kiss the bar first to make sure it is right above your nose!
    90# – 10 reps
    65# – 13 reps
    45# – 19 reps

    3. Jackie
    Row 1,000m
    50 Thrusters @ 45# (I guess 30# for the ladies. I was unaware so I did men’s #)
    30 Pull ups

    15:46 Rx (+?)

    That kipping came in handy. Feels good, man.

    • Olivia says:

      I saw your kipping today and was super impressed! Looks great! You’ve come so far in just a month or two! Woo-hoo!

      • Renee says:

        Thanks chica! And now they’re pretty easy!! I will be sure to still practice strict on the reg because there is something to be said about all the strength building but I sure am glad to be able to kip 50 in a WOD without hesitation!

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