
Nick | 09/26/2013 | 10


Another Friday, another benchmark.  This time it’s the classic 21-15-9 of squat cleans and ring dips.  Make sure you are using your legs to jump the bar up to your front rack position and not pulling with your arms early.  You’re going to want to save your shoulders for the ring dips…

We’re warming up for this girl with a slightly different rep scheme for deadlifts.  When we do a 10-1-10-1-10, the goal is not to climb up in weight every set but to use the singles as prep work for the next set of 10.  Here’s an example:

Doug’s 1rm deadlift is 300#.  His first working set of 10 might be around 165# or so.  He’ll then pop on something like 245# for a heavy (but not maximal) single so his body can feel this weight and brace accordingly.  When he goes for his next set of 10 (at say, 185#), his body will still be prepping for that 245# load it just felt and chances are his bracing will be spot on.  He might then hit 260# for a single before going for his last set of 10 at 205#.  Choose wisely, get after it, and we’ll see you on the other side.




Squat Cleans
Ring Dips

10 comments for “Elizabeth

  1. Mike says:

    Deadlift: This was an interesting way to lift. I got to 375# for the last 1 rep, and only got through 3 or 4 of the set of 10 at 325# then just got ready for the WOD.

    Elizabeth: 10:50, 115# and a red band for the ring dips. Squat cleans are really hard to string together, but I think my form got a lot better as I went along.

  2. Dr. Dan says:

    DL: 225#-275#-255#-315#-275#
    First time doing this interesting rep scheme. Wasn’t too sure how to go about it, but I think I chose well.

    Elizabeth: 9:28 Rx
    I strategerized this well. Squat cleans were all singles but quick. Ring dips alternated between strict and kipped.

  3. christine says:

    hi from maryland! i went to the box down here, crossfit frederick. one of THREE boxes down here. stats from over yonder:

    deadlift: 7 sets of 3. “Increase load. 2 min Rests.”
    210# (and some leg scrapes—they have different bars for oly lifts! oops.) and the lady bars are 30#

    some interesting observations in a new box
    – the coaches encouraged releasing and regripping at the bottom of each rep to discourage “rebounding” of the weights
    – i have a newfound appreciation for our weight plates. theirs were colored and had no metal lining in the interior, so it took forever to lug the weights off and on the bar (just not used to ’em)
    – no dropping weights allowed 🙁

    WOD: 5 rounds for time: 20 Box Jumps (30″/24″), 15 KB Swings, (50lb/35lb), 10 Ring Dips
    14:39 @ 20″, 35lb = 16kg, dips on parallel bars located on the other side of the box (leopard jog)

    i might visit another frederick box this weekend, but suffice to say… i miss everyone at CFSV and crushing hard for home.

  4. Amy says:

    Deadlift: 10@125; 1@165; 10@135; 1@185; 10@155

    Elizabeth: 9:09; 40# cleans, red band ring dips

  5. J3ss3 says:

    DL: Last 10reps @225# First time in months DL’ing heavy. Slowly but steady I’m coming back.

    WOD: 9:09RX. Had a wardrobe malfunction mid-wod lol had to change to shorts. Should of just left my underArmor bright yellow shorts to match Renee.

  6. Lydia says:

    DL: 165# for the second 1 rep, it seemed about right. The math was challenging!
    WOD: 10:08 with 45# and bench dips with feet on a plate. KP said I should up the weight next time, and I’d agree – my form might be better if they were heavier.

    I was all excited that this was my first repeated workout – then realized I never wrote down my time for the Power Elizabeth we did last December. Oh well, next time I have numbers to compare.

  7. Renee says:

    DL – 165# for 10 cool scheme I liked it

    Elizabeth – 9:50 @ 65# with red band

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